New releases
The initial releases of Very Dirty Stories #206 to Very Dirty Stories #259 are now available on all three retailers we directly publish to and trickling outward to their distribution networks. They can be found on Smashwords and Rakuten Kobo and Amazon.
The transition to working on Cherish Desire Singles and Cherish Desire Divinations is proceeding slowly. Lots of formatting. Lots of revisiting standards to update them to work better within print editions. Overall things are going well, it's just a lot of work. Anticipate Cherish Desire Singles: Sexy Identities Collection 3, Cherish Desire Singles: She Comes First Collection 1, Cherish Desire Singles: Object Confessions Collection 9, and Cherish Desire Singles: Object Confessions Collection 10 by end of February. More new titles are in flight as well, but we're allowing time for corrections and processing revisions of related titles.