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2021 February: Release Planning

Cherish Desire Erotica, Very Dirty Stories, Coming Soon Cover, Max D, erotica

New releases

The initial releases of Very Dirty Stories #206 to Very Dirty Stories #259 are now available on all three retailers we directly publish to and trickling outward to their distribution networks. They can be found on Smashwords and Rakuten Kobo and Amazon.

The transition to working on Cherish Desire Singles and Cherish Desire Divinations is proceeding slowly. Lots of formatting. Lots of revisiting standards to update them to work better within print editions. Overall things are going well, it's just a lot of work. Anticipate Cherish Desire Singles: Sexy Identities Collection 3, Cherish Desire Singles: She Comes First Collection 1, Cherish Desire Singles: Object Confessions Collection 9, and Cherish Desire Singles: Object Confessions Collection 10 by end of February. More new titles are in flight as well, but we're allowing time for corrections and processing revisions of related titles.

Revised releases

Cherish Desire Singles titles are being clustered based on their resepective universe and links to new titles. Almost all the new titles are set in the Max-verse, so TomRonin-verse is taking a backseat. February plans include revising Cherish Desire Singles: Fade To Grey (The Complete Four Part Series), Cherish Desire Singles: Sexy Identities Collection 1, Cherish Desire Singles: Sexy Identities Collection 2, and Cherish Desire Singles: Responsibility (The Complete Nine Part Series) featuring Rachel. These will include print editions.

Further revisions will continue to prioritize Cherish Desire Singles and Cherish Desire Divinations titles. We're hoping to have the full sweep of Cherish Desire Singles titles completed by the end of April.

Site updates

Lots of good progress though we're frustrated with a few glitches that need to be sorted out.

The latest big addition has been promoting SCRIBD in catalog links. It's a slow process as we address these links title by title, but we're excited to acknowledge an additional retailer making Cherish Desire titles available for readers. SCRIBD's model is more of a subscription format, and they typically only carry lower cost titles. That works well for binge reading Very Dirty Stories and Very Wicked Dirty Stories titles.

Paperback and audio erotica

Cherish Desire Singles and Cherish Desire Divinations titles in print? YES. It's a very time consuming process, but we've got a grasp on basics so these print editions are coming out!

Audio erotica performances are happening! The collaboration with Kenzi Reads of FICS GONE WORSE has produced lots of good content for Bandcamp. We've got the first full length Cherish Desire Singles title in recording and production. Target for first week of March release of lots of gems for Bandcamp First Friday. While we're happy to recieve financial support for these audio erotica performances, we'd really like to boost followers and get the word out to people that we have sexy content for them to binge.

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